February 6, 2012

With an eclectic mix of musicians hailing from across the United States, the sonic realm of Zookeeper’s Palace can best be described as tribal space rock with a progressive edge. Melding a unique yet accessible blend of unearthly guitars, polyrhythmic beats, tasty keyboards, groove-ridden bass lines and infectious vocal harmonies, the ZkP sound is a testament to how they insist on shifting the face of rock. This Los Angeles-based band, known for its visceral live show, bridges a diverse audience with its distinguishing sonic vision. Combining years of musical experience, the members of Zookeeper’s Palace have opened for major recording artists and have many played popular venues around the country.And if you're lucky enough to be in LA in February, they've got a show coming up! Check them out and maybe you'll get a sticker. But we have to ask, what goes on inside a zookeeper's palace...or any other animal handler's abode? Perhaps we don't want to know. Remember what happened when Marlon Brando spent too much time with the animals? Things went way past creepy, as the handful of people who actually sat through The Island of Dr. Moreau may recall. "Manimal," indeed! We were permanently scarred by that. Not to mention the, ahem, startling appearance of America's once-sexy bad boy. Brother might have spent less time at the donut shop and more time on the treadmill, no?