Zombie Beach Blanket Bingo!

November 7, 2012
Zombie Beach Blanket Bingo!
Lori-the-Zombie-StickerGiant-Employee-Features Name/Position:
Lori/Retail Superstar Time with StickerGiant: 4 months Best Part of Job: Skatin' around fillin' orders and hangin' wit my team Hometown: Originally Okemos, MI, now Longmont, CO Hidden Talent: Cartwheeling make-up artist Cake or Pie: Both. jk, fruit pie Bucket List: Travel to New Zealand/Australia Season: Summer. Love the heat, especially on a beach by a lake and my birthday is in the summer. Cats or Dogs: Both, and have both. Movie: Bridesmaids Book: The Hunger Games series Use for Stickers: Sealing - envelopes and wounds Prediction for 2013: More fun, more extreme weather and global change
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