November 14, 2017

Designing a great event sticker sheet

WordCamp: Learn about WordPress with like-minded folks
For those not familiar with WordPress or WordCamp, a WordCamp is a volunteer-led, community-oriented conference that focuses on everything WordPress, which is one of the most-popular digital publishing solutions for the modern Internet. Small businesses, solo entrepreneurs, massive media companies--they're all using WordPress to power their content management and delivery. WordPress is an open source project, which is just one of the many reasons we've supported their events for years. We love the informal natures of these events and that it's by WordPress users in their local communities. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. This helps the local WordPress community flourish by learning not only from each other, but from a great lineup of speakers who want to share their knowledge.Workshops and Tracks at WordCamp Rochester 2017
Rochester’s WordCamp will divide its workshops over three tracks, from basic to professional. The Beginner/Blogger Track is for people who are new to website design, blogging, or WordPress. The sessions are designed for novices who want to blog or be on the web for other personal projects. Likewise, operators of small businesses or non-profit organizations will learn how to promote their enterprises using their own websites with no coding or other technical knowledge. The Intermediate/Flex Track is one step up and intended for site owners, established bloggers, and entrepreneurs to learn how to communicate with a designer, how to blog effectively, and how to tell whether projects are going well. The overall focus is on website content. Attendees in this track need familiarity with HTML, the basic coding language of the Internet. The Designer/Developer Track will find interest among professionals and DIY WordPress builders. The sessions here will focus on the graphical end of design and customizing website themes. Skill with HTML and CSS is recommended.
Event Stickers are perfect for any gathering
WordCamps aren't the only events that use stickers or sticker sheets. 5K races, fundraisers, and school groups all use sticker sheets. After all, you get more bang for your buck with a sheet of a few stickers, and if you design it around a theme, you can even tell a story on that sheet, with the peel offs serving as an interactive piece of art for your attendees. These WordCamp sticker sheets peel easily to slap on a laptop or another free piece of swag like a paper notebook, and when people leave your event, they enter the world as a brand ambassador for your community.Try out our custom stickers for your next event.