WordCamp YYC Calgary 2016

May 26, 2016
WordCamp YYC Calgary 2016
Sponsored-Stickers-WordCamp-Calgary-YYC-2016-printed-by-StickerGiant WordCamp YYC is happening this weekend at Fort Calgary and the Calgary WordPress Community will be on hand to share their expertise on the power of WordPress. The theme this year is Music, and it will will be showcased throughout the various events and sessions: Make WordPress Sing. Their custom sticker sheet is a fun mix of local flavor and WordPress symbolism. Kiss cut stickers sheets feature some of our more-favorite designs because you get so many free custom shapes on the sheet. And we're not just saying that because their designers chose to thrown on a bonus StickerGiant fireball logo as one of their mini stickers.
"WordCamp Calgary is dedicated to helping WordPress users grow their expertise of the platform and all that can be accomplished using it."

Take Your WordPress to the Next Level

They have organized a variety of sessions, panels and work shops to push your WordPress web site to the best it can be. Network and learn from others within the local Calgary WordPress during this jam packed two day event. Saturday has speaker sessions, panels, and Q&A. On Sunday, they have more sessions and some new twists. Session topics for all experience levels, including:
  • WordPress for Musicians
  • WordPress for Creatives
  • WordPress for Marketing Professionals
  • WordPress for Developers
  • WordPress for Bloggers
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