Wordcamp Seattle Takes Off June 8th

April 18, 2013
Wordcamp Seattle Takes Off June 8th
Wordcamp Seattle Hang onto your hats and get ready to bungee jump from the Space Needle, it's almost time for Wordcamp Seattle 2013! This isn't just any old WordCamp, it's "the largest most comprehensive event for WordPress users, designers, and developers in the Pacific Northwest." You might be thinking that a conference of this magnitude would cost some serious coin, yet they've held the line with conference fees to a remarkable twenty bucks. $20 for three tracks - User/Blogger, Designer/Themer, and Developer - that provide something for everyone in the WordPress universe? Sweet! Isn't it time you get your templates in order, your widgets worked out, and your plug-ins plugged in? This year's event will be held on the University of Washington’s campus. UW's HUB building is the hub - of the WordPress empire - on June 8th, so beam up to the mothership of all WP knowledge. Never mind the retinal scan. Andrew Jackson's mug is your boarding pass.    
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