August 6, 2012
WordCamp Grand Rapids, coming right up on the 3rd weekend of August, is the ne plus ultra event of the summer for western Michigan's tech elite. So strap on your thinking caps and head over to Grand Valley State University for another great WordPress event!
Whether you already realize this or not, Grand Rapids is home to a number of notable WordPress figures. In fact, Grand Rapids was recently ranked #9 in a list of 15 unexpected tech scenes and we’re holding our very own WordCamp to celebrate. Join us and help demonstrate that West Michigan is as technologically rich and diverse as the West Coast! No matter how you use WordPress – whether it’s for publishing your blog, running your business, building client sites, or anything else beyond and in between–there will be something at this WordCamp for you! Sessions will vary from live demonstrations, training, advice sessions, and more.StickerGiant is a proud sponsor of this event! Loyal reader will recall that we are big fans of the WordPressery. In fact, this very missive that you are reading was created through WordPress. Which is what we are talking about. Which is how you are reading what we are talking about. Whoa, take a step back. Mind-blowingly meta, ain't it?