Women in Aviation International

July 20, 2011
Women in Aviation International
Custom shaped die cut stickers for Women in Aviation International from StickerGiant For every little girl out there dreaming of becoming Amelia Earhart (and not one of the Kardashians), this is the organization that will help make your dreams come true. Founded in 1990, Women in Aviation International is
dedicated to the encouragement and advancement of women in all aviation career fields and interests. Our 8,000+ membership includes astronauts, corporate pilots, maintenance technicians, air traffic controllers, business owners, educators, journalists, flight attendants, high school and university students, air show performers, airport managers and many others.
Can you imagine how exhilarating it must have been to be one of the early pioneers (female or male) of aviation? Talk about a rush! And as for Ms. Earhart, she's still inspiring people, in film and music.
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