Why Stickers Make a Great Advertising Medium

December 15, 2014
Why Stickers Make a Great Advertising Medium
Advertising your product, brand or services can be tough in today's technological world. It seems like everyone has a gimmick of some sort and can't wait to get it into your hot little hands, but stickers are still one of the best advertising strategies around. They can be big or small, little or tall, contain tons of information and graphics or be short, sweet and to the point. Stickers are an affordable advertising medium, and one that almost everyone can work with. Graphic designers of the world, take note: you are in high demand, whether you know it or not! All of your training and expertise in high-resolution image editing software is just waiting to be put to good use by brands who are looking to spread their company's message through the use of sticker advertising. The key to helping you connect with your customers and potential clients through stickers is communication, and if you're a graphic designer working on a client's stickers, this is especially critical to your overall success. There must be an open dialogue between you, the designer, and your client or target audience in order to maximize the effectiveness of your work. Be honest about your skills and what you're capable of providing, make every step of the design process clear and free of any possible ambiguities and be open to learning new skills. You might just stretch the boundaries of what you are capable of!
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