December 28, 2016
Taking learning to the map's edge. Where There Be Dragons offers programs for students, educators and adults the experience of traveling to different countries and collect a sweet custom logo sticker at the end of it all.
Since 1993, Where There Be Dragons has been organizing travel to develop cross-cultural education, leadership, self-exploration and global citizenship. The opportunity is available to high school students, college students, teachers and adults. It's an experiential learning opportunity that focuses on the locations that each program visits giving a unique perspective on different places around the world.
"We are dedicated to cross-cultural education because we believe that future leaders will be required to think beyond borders and address the implications of resource scarcity in our global community. In this work, we feel part of a larger movement in education and want to help nurture and develop that movement however we can. To this end, our educator courses are designed to help teachers and administrators grow as global educators in and out of the classroom."The significance of dragons is because in the past dragons marked unknown territories on maps. Their logo on it's own makes an awesome sticker design but even better for students who complete their programs, they get a white vinyl sticker proudly stating that they are an alumni of the program. It's a great way to commemorate the experience and put on luggage to travel with you as an educated world traveler.