April 19, 2016
Where our stickers end up never ceases to amaze. We've seen stickers on the back of hundreds of laptops at events, we've spotted our labels on store shelves, and we've even followed along as one of our stickers made it as far as outer space, all in the pursuit of spreading brand awareness and harnessing more fans. But are your fans giving you permission to stick in their space and promote your stickers?
Back in 1999, legendary marketer Seth Godin wrote a book on the topic of permission marketing. He described it then as:
Permission marketing is the privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them. It recognizes the new power of the best consumers to ignore marketing. It realizes that treating people with respect is the best way to earn their attention.When he launched his book, Godin says he "offered people a third of the book for free in exchange for an email address. And I never, ever did anything with those addresses again. That wasn't part of the deal. No follow ups, no new products. A deal's a deal." Now that's permission marketing in action. In general, marketing should be something people want to participate in, not something that is forced on them, and this is why we at StickerGiant focus our marketing efforts on creating great content from our customer's stickers, because their stories are our story. We're in an age where consumers are bombarded with advertising and hashtags everywhere. For StickerGiant customers, great designs get their customers, friends, and family to slap their stickers everywhere, and in the process proudly represent their business. But, to get people to perform this act for you, first you have get their permission. The question for marketers is: How?