What Are CMYK And RGB Color Modes?

December 15, 2009
What Are CMYK And RGB Color Modes?
The difference between RGB(red, green, blue) and CMYK(cyan, magenta, yellow, black) RGB is an additive color mode, which means you add the red, green, and blue light into your black monitor to get all the colors. The more light you add, the brighter everything gets. CMYK is a subtractive color mode, which means you subtract light from a piece of paper (or in our case a sticker) by adding more and more ink. The more ink you add the darker everything gets. So basically RGB is for on screen color and CMYK is for printing. Here we have the RGB color spectrum. It is currently in the RGB mode, but if we go up to the image menu, go to mode, and select CMYK you can see it changes slightly and looks darker. That is because black is added in to show how your image will look once printed. Now you know the difference between RGB and CMYK color modes. Thanks for watching.
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