August 19, 2015

Wait less, Live more. Simple words that we all try to live by. Tapingo is a startup company that has utilized modern technology and created an app for mobile ordering.
Tapingo has designed an interface for merchants to work with them and get listed on their service. Once users login to the app they can see what businesses offer pickup or delivery in their area. Tapingo's main market is college campuses and they are starting to spread out even further. This gives college students the ability to order food during a very busy time of their life where waiting is not an option.
Tapingo is covering ground with outbound promotions and campus visits. This includes an assortment of our
kiss cut stickers with their logo and sayings such as, "Welcome to the Good Life" and a social call to action #Tapingo. They are building their fan base and creating a buzz.
Stickers are a great benefit to launch marketing campaigns, so make sure you don't hit the road without them.