Vanguard Attorneys

December 4, 2011
Vanguard Attorneys
Custom Shield Shaped Stickers for Vanguard Attorneys Printed by StickerGiant One of our biggest aggravations? People who talk on their phones whilst driving their cars. Even worse are the nimrods who drive and text. Really? What you have to say is so important that you'll risk serious injury to self and others? Unless you're dictating the cure for cancer, we firmly believe that it can wait, people! It appears that Tampa-based Vanguard Attorneys takes a similar view, as evidenced by the "Hang Up and Drive" sticker we printed for them recently.
A serious accident or injury can leave you feeling overwhelmed and alone. Many lives have been negatively impacted due to an injury caused by someone else's negligence. Tampa's Vanguard Attorneys is an elite team of personal injury attorneys that can help you find justice in your time of need.
Now, we've all heard the lawyer jokes. But these folks truly do seem to be a different breed. How can we tell? Well, if everyone really did hang up and drive, they'd be out of work! Wait, you don't know any lawyer jokes? They get a bad rap. Lawyers don't think they're funny, and nobody else thinks they're jokes.
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