April 16, 2015

The world keeps spinning faster, and with mobile technology we seem to spin right along with it.
The evolution of
Uber has people moving around the world faster, with a few clicks of their mobile device. This simple, on-demand app has changed the game for getting around, and is completely changing transportation in urban spaces.
The pleasure of using Uber is it's simplicity. Register an account then click "Get an Uber." A few minutes later a car is there and its time to travel. Payment is all taken care of through the account, simply scan a credit card while registering to activate it. Never flag down a cab again.
Almost anyone can be an Uber driver. The next trip you take in Longmont, Colorado could even be from the CEO of StickerGiant, John Fischer.
"I was fascinated by the whole experience with Uber," says John. "Quite frankly, it just looked fun to drive around." Recently, John has taken time out of his weekends to drive around and meet new, cool people using Uber.
If that experience doesn't stick with you, we are pretty sure Uber's
UV laminated logo stickers will.