Twice the hackathon fun this weekend

April 20, 2017
Twice the hackathon fun this weekend
LIHacks-Nova-Hackathon-sponsored-die-cut-stickers-2017-stickergiant We have two student hackathon sponsored events this weekend, with one in Virginia college focused on cyber security and one New York high school introducing new people to computer science. Our custom shaped die cut stickers will be on site for everyone to enjoy.

inNOVAtion Hackathon

Starting tomorrow Northern Virginia Community College will be hosting its the 2017 inNOVAtion Hackathon. The thirty-six hour period will be filled with tech talks, programming and cyber security practice. Also, die cut stickers. The team went with a cool themed custom shape that features a yellow security badge (because cybersecurity) and network line on top (because technology). It's simple, iconic branding for their group and their event. Kudos to the design team on this.

What's unique about this hackathon -- and we sponsor our share -- is that this event will focus on secure coding to advocate for a more secure cyberspace and showcase the importance of cyber security. The computer science and related Information Technology industries have high need for capable professionals, and these events help bring together those who are passionate about this field so they get hands-on experience. Follow them live on Twitter @novahackathon.


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