Tool Box Trivia Tuesday!

October 15, 2012
Tool Box Trivia Tuesday!
Inside-of-Toolbox-filled-with-Custom-Stickers Toolboxes are one of the most awesome places to display a sticker collection. Whether your tool box is painted red, black, or gray, colorful stickers will jump off the surface and bring mirth and merriment to your day. It's not that I set out to create a rhyme, it just worked out that way. Hey! This wicked cool tool box photo was sent in by one of our faithful customers. It's packed with everything from cartoon wolves to a mystical monkey and voodoo dolls. There's artwork from some of our favorite artists, including Robert Crumb (Keep on Truckin' ...) and Shag. I'd include a link to Coop's artwork, too, but a number of his stickers are NSFW. If you're a Coop fan, you might dig his typefaces ... Today's Trivia Question is a Two-Parter, regarding Robert Crumb. Q1: What is the name of Crumb's trademark bearded character, most often credited with coining the phrase Keep on Truckin'? Q2: What was Crumb's first gig as an artist? A1: Why it's Mr. Natural, of course! A2: Robert Crumb's first art gig was for the sports-card giant, Topps.
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