January 12, 2012

On or off the field Tony Pitch eats, sleeps, and breaths the North Park Warriors. No matter what is happening he just can't get the game of soccer out of his mind. His family thinks he has been lost forever but his dad tells him often "Just practice and keep up your grades and focus on your goals." His life revolves around soccer and that's what he lives for. This is about his voyage….. the trials and tribulations that all student athletes go through to fulfill their goals. Every athlete who has been successful endures many of the things that Tony and his team will undergo. His adventures will inspire and show you absolute real life situations as well as teach proper soccer techniques. Welcome to the exciting, dynamic journey of Tony Pitch and the North Park Warriors.Go, team! WWCBGT? (what would Comic Book Guy think?) You know, Comic Book Guy. The well-fed, fourth wall-breaking, Klingon-speaking, socially challenged character on The Simpsons who's smarter than you. Voiced by the amazingly talented and easy-on-the-eyes Hank Azaria, he's one of our favorite characters on the longest-running show in America. Because, you know, we've all met someone just like him!