February 28, 2014
Can you introduce yourself and tell us what you do at StickerGiant?
My name is Tom. I'm a Custom Sticker Specialist here at StickerGiant. I'm one of the people here at StickerGiant on the front lines working first hand with our customers. I do what I can to make everyone's experience with StickerGiant an awesome one!
Where do you live and why do you enjoy Colorado? What was your first job?
I live in Berthoud, Colorado. I love raising my family in Colorado. I love everything about Colorado. It's somewhat of a melting pot for all ages and generes of people, and you're really able to be who you are and still mix in with the crowd. And I love that Colorado offers sooo many fun things to do both indoors and out. And our vast selection of craft breweries isn't a bad gig either.
What was your first job?
My first job ever was working at a fresh produce stand at the Wagon Wheel flea market in Florida when I was 15. That's where I learned to like eating fresh, raw potatoes and green beans as a snack. And at about $40 - $50 a week back then wasn't too bad either.
What was your worst job?
My worst job was a sales job working for a company that sold cheap, random novelty items and gifts made and sent from China. The worst part about it was that it was all on foot. Hitting business to business sales, talking to people on the street, in parking lots, truck stops. And we had to do it in a shirt and tie.... yeah.. I was one of THOSE people that nobody likes...lol
Outside of work, what can we find you doing?
I work a lot. But when I'm not working, I try to spend as much time with my wife and four daughters as I can. Whether it's camping/fishing in the summer time or volunteering at a local horse ranch with them, going to watch our oldest daughter cheer at the local high school games, or even just watching a movie. Whatever time I can get with them is about all I do outside of Stickergiant.
What do you love most about working for a sticker company?
I've been in printing for about 16 years. But most of that time has been spent at local mom and pop offset print shops who's main business is a very localized group of people and businesses within maybe a 30 mile radius or so. At StickerGiant, I love seeing all of the different types and styles of stickers that we have to offer, and to see what they're being used for. As our owner/founder John Fischer says "every sticker has a story!". And besides... who in their right minds doesn't like to play with stickers?!
Have you ever caught a problem at StickerGiant that saved the company time and money?
I'm sure I have. Nothing specific comes to mind at the moment.. but the best thing is that all employees at StickerGiant have a voice in what goes on here. Being an "open book" company has it's advantages. Everyone here has the freedom and opportunity, and is welcome to bring ideas to the table that can better the company.
Is there something special you like about stickers?
What's not to like? I love that, again, every sticker has a story. I've actually been collecting stickers in my garage for over four years now, and my work bench, upper and lower cabinets, tool box, refrigerator and freezer are all covered with stickers. Each one with a different story. And I love that I've had somewhat of a hand with being able to tell all of those stories.