March 20, 2017

That's right. custom made men just to your liking. Okay, so not really. The Man Maker Company is providing men with beard oil, beard butter and other products utilizing custom product labels to dress them up.
Body care and beard grooming is essential in making a real man. The Man Maker Company is hand crafting small batches of body care products for men in Oregon. They are committed to making 100% natural, non-gmo and cruelty free products.
As they roll out new batches of beard butter, or T'aint For Your Face (it's for chapped skin, not your face... coming soon) they get
custom printed labels to show off the benefits of each product offered. They get matte labels which gives everything a smooth finish and the ability to write on batch and bottle numbers.
Become a maker and go for a smooth finish with custom matte labels.