The Casual Pint Craft Beer Market

November 13, 2011
The Casual Pint Craft Beer Market
Custom-Beer-Stickers-printed-by-StickerGiant No need for formalities, here; we're talking about the Casual Pint, not his uptight cousin the Stiff Drink. The Casual Pint wears Levi's and always lends his neighbor his truck. The Stiff Drink? He's the guy in the pricey ironed denim (don't call them jeans) and gets upset if anyone parks too close to his Bimmer. Casual Pint plays softball, Stiff Drink has a skybox. It all comes down to this: Beer is chill, booze is high-maintenance. Anywho, the lucky people of Knoxville, Tennessee are about to have a great new place devoted to all things beer. The Casual Pint Craft Beer Market is slated to open this weekend!
We believe the art of brewing and tasting fine craft beer deserves love and appreciation, and these characteristics are ingrained in every store staff member, so if you possess the same appreciation we are well suited to meet your needs. Whether you are a newly-brewing beer nut or the long-time connoisseur, our extensive selection and knowledgeable staff are perfect for providing you with new tasting experiences and food paring that only accentuates your beer enjoyment.
You know what's our favorite thing about the craft beer resurgence? The growler. Filling up a half-gallon jug at our local brewery and then taking it home makes us feel like we're getting away with something. Like we're running moonshine, but with a better getaway car.  
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