September 22, 2015
Starting tomorrow begins The Great American Beer Festival (GABF). It is an amazing event where 60,000 beer aficionados descend on hop-soaked downtown Denver. Attendees roam the cavernous conference grounds, while clinging to their precious sampler glass and munching on pretzel necklaces, all the while negotiating the crowds.
Safe to say, for the beer lover, GABF is one of the most cathartic experiences ever. StickerGiant supports craft beer with stickers and custom bottle labels, and we are thankful that the Brewer's Association has blessed the world and Colorado with this great festival.
Check this: GABF sold out in sixty-seven minutes. That is right, just over an hour. The Grateful Dead jam for longer than that. Back in 2007, they sold out the week before the event kicked off. We are super excited about the TK total number of local brewery customers that are part of this festival. It's so rad to create promotional stickers and full-color beer bottle labels for so many talented brewers all year, and then to see them all succeed at the industry's signature gathering.
Check out the list of breweries going to be represented at the 2015 Great American Beer Festival. We wish all our brewery customers the best of luck in the Beer Competition.