January 24, 2012
The Texas Atomic Iron Commission doesn't blow things up or work on top secret projects named for cocktails—but they do make amazingly beautiful artwork out of one of earth's heaviest substances.
The Texas Atomic Iron Commission is a collaborative organization that brings together universities, industry, students and artists. The exhibition features cast iron sculptures by eleven Texas artists: Dan Askew, Robbie Barber, Geoff Broderick, Erin Cunningham, Kurt Dyrhaug, Amy Gerhauser, Jack Gron, Butch (Meredith) Jack, Bill Raney, Greg Reuter, and Tanya Synar.They've had recent exhibits at Baylor University, University of Texas, and Texas Women's University. (Yes, that last one is a thing and no, you don't have to be a woman to go there. Long story.) Their show at Baylor wrapped up with a "pour." That's where you heat iron to 2700 degrees Farenheit and ever so carefully pour the molten danger liquidinto a mold to create a form. In this case, sculpture. Keep in mind that water boils at 212. Don't panic! But we do suggest wearing protective gear. Or letting the professionals handle it.