April 26, 2012

Conceived in 2004 by music-loving Teller parents, the event has grown into this east Denver elementary school’s biggest fundraiser. But this event is not your typical school fundraiser. Don’t expect kid music. Expect everything under the sun music. And while, yes, kids are welcome – Tellerpalooza shows what makes Teller special. Parents that enjoy a great time, great music and each other. Tellerpalooza will also go old-school with the ever-present bake sale – or if wine is more to your liking, participate in the “Wall of Wine” drawing and you may bring home a large box of assorted favorites donated by Teller parents. Basically, come, hang out, plan to HAVE FUN.WOW! These parents are completely wonderful. Every kid should have it so good! So we've all heard of Lollapalooza, the midsummer music festival with an incredible line-up of bands and mind-boggling lines for the port-a-potty. It's an epic show of fantastical proportions....hence the name, which means a thing that is extraordinary, extreme, or very impressive. Whatever you call it, if you're going to make the effort and put on a spectacle, a lollapallotza, a lollypaloozer, an extravaganza, a hullaballoo, or even a ballyhoo—go big or go home. Right, Perry Farrell?