November 7, 2017
The first event of the year for TEDxGeorgiaTech will be their Student Speaker Salon. A Salon is a smaller, more informal gathering that organizers hold to allow conversations to continue in person. They have a black die cut sticker with their event logo and TEDx red logo front and center. It's a simple, powerful design for everyone to spread far and wide.
At a TEDx salon, attendees watch TED Talks, sometimes host a few speakers and have informal discussions about the talks they witnessed. Salons re-engage the community and team during the time between official TEDx events, and spark discussion on issues of interest to a local community.
With a local platform for local ideas to spark global impact, TEDxGeorgiaTech is proud to present six hand-selected Georgia Tech students who are ready and willing to share compelling ideas they believe are worthy of your attention.
It will be held at the ultra trendy and super hip The Garage at Tech Square, and it promises to be a night of authenticity, vulnerability, empowerment, and actionable passion.