Techstars Events All Over!

March 30, 2017
Techstars Events All Over!
xStartup-Weekend-OU-Athens-Yankton-NL-Mexico-2017-sponsored-stickers copy Five total Techstars events with Startup Weekends in Oklahoma, South Dakota, on the Canadian island of Newfoundland, in Athens, Greece, and in Mexico. Lots of Startup Weekend logos on die cuts and one really sweet sticker sheet.

Startup Weekend Western NL

Let's start in Newfoundland, the most easterly province of Canada, where Viking explorers first landed. Grenfell Campus, part of the Memorial University of Newfoundland in the city of Corner Brook. Startup Weekend Western NL. This team went with a die cut sticker and a classic Startup Weekend beaker design in kelly green and their event logo in strong sans serif type. Best of luck to the teams on their ideation.

Startup Weekend Athens University

Heading east from the Atlantic, we visit Startup Weekend Athens hosted at Impact HUB Athens. The event helps individuals with interests in technology, design, engineering, business and manufacturing. They have a die cut sticker in a pleasing pastel green, that features the Startup Weekend beaker adorned with laurels in a nod to their Grecian roots.

Startup Weekend Yankton

Over in South Dakota, we join this startup community for the second Startup Weekend Yankton. Their green-and-grey die cut sticker is a circle shape that centers the Techstars beaker design on top of the historic Meridian Highway Bridge, which is now a non-motorized walking and cycling path. The bridge spans the Missouri National Recreational River that is also featured on the sticker design. We are excited for teams to get together and start building new business ideas, and we dig the local flavor on this custom event sticker.

Startup Weekend OU

Startup Weekend OU returns to the University of Oklahoma at OU's Innovation Hub, where over the course of 54 hours and entrepreneurship blitz will take ideas from conception to validation. They have a rectangle shaped sticker on a green background with an illustration of the Memorial Union clock tower and the OU logo in their branding. Again, great localization on this custom sticker that stands out for folks that know the area.

Mexico UnSummit

We'll end south of Mexico City in the town of Cuernavaca for Techstars Mexico UnSummit 2017. This gathering brings together the organizers and facilitators of Startup Weekend in all of Mexico, with the goal of uniting the entire national community to learn from each other and share experiences from different communities. They have a slick custom sticker sheet with a map peel off, two branding text stickers (one with the hashtag #TacosyTequila that we just love), two Mayan-meet-tech event stickers for a total of four magenta-hued stickers and one navy blue. Powerful design, bold color and creative layout make this sticker sheet worth every attendee's laptop real estate. Pretty cool event because it will give a change to focus energy on advancing the vision of Startup Weekends for years to come. Each city and group brings a perspective to the table, and we look forward to seeing more innovation from our neighbors and friends in Mexico. It's these international partnerships that help strengthen bonds.

More about our Techstars partners

Techstars is a global ecosystem that empowers entrepreneurs to bring new technologies to market wherever they choose to live. With dozens of mentorship-driven accelerator programs and thousands of community programs worldwide, Techstars exists to support the world’s most promising entrepreneurs throughout their lifelong journey, from inspiration to IPO. Techstars provides access to tens of thousands of community leaders, founders, mentors, investors, and corporate partners, allowing entrepreneurs to accelerate the pace of innovation and do more faster. Techstars supports every stage of the entrepreneurial journey – from early stage grassroots community development to more formal opportunities that provide education, experience, acceleration, funding, and beyond. Techstars Startup Programs include Startup Weekend, Startup Digest, and Startup Week
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