Team StickerGiant: Meet Joseph

February 2, 2012
Team StickerGiant: Meet Joseph
In the spirit of getting to know each other, we've asked our awesome staff here at StickerGiant HQ to share their deepest, darkest secrets. Or at least tell us about what they do when they're not at work. First up: Joseph from our custom printing department. If you've ordered a custom sticker from us recently, Joseph had a hand in it. Name & Position: Joseph, Custom Sticker Specialist Time with StickerGiant: 6 wonderful months Best part of the job? Spending time with  my awesome co-workers Hometown: Boulder, Colorado Hidden talent: I love to sing, dance, and play instruments. I can play piano, guitar, bass, drums, and the tambourine! Cake or pie? PIE for sure. Number one item on your bucket list? Travel the world to play music. Favorite season and why? Spring, because everything comes back to life and the plants and trees are beautiful. Cats or dogs? Cats The last movie watched/book read was: The movie Hudson Hawk Favorite use for a sticker? Give them to friends to enjoy, or use them on my bike helmet, or possibly as an emergency band-aid (although I would not recommend putting adhesive in an open cut). Prediction for 2012? Everything will remain the same as 2011.
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