I try to remember to buy a sticker when my suitcase is in a new place, but I don't always remember. In some cases, I went to the country before I thought of the idea. So I ordered some stickers to help me get caught up on my project. The suitcase itself was bought in Rome, Italy to accommodate extra things I bought. I love the case and didn't want to "ruin" it with stickers at first, but I actually like it even more now. I can always spot my suitcase coming on the luggage belt and it has inspired some interesting conversations!
- Stella Legend has it that Robert Benchley exited a night club one evening, tapped a uniformed fellow on the shoulder, and said, "Get me a cab." The gentleman in the uniform turned around briskly and let Benchley know that he was a rear admiral, not a doorman. "O.K.," said Benchley, "Get me a battleship."