StuyHacks: a student run hackathon aiming to relieve negative connotations

May 26, 2016
StuyHacks: a student run hackathon aiming to relieve negative connotations
StuyHacks-Custom-Stickers-Stickers-Printed-by-StickerGiant StuyHacks is a student-run hackathon taking place in the heart of Manhattan. They seek to expose as many high school students as possible to technology to unlock their creativity and innovation. They'll be hacking for two days at ThoughtWorks NYC with a custom logo sticker on hand for their hackers.
To us, hackathons are more than friendly competitions - they're opportunities to meet the great inventors, creators, and thinkers of the future. Our job is to eliminate the negative connotations that come with hacking and the technology field, and to instead replace them with the idea that coding something anyone can do, even in a weekend. We want to help trailblaze a new generation of diversity and enthusiasm for invention. Come join our movement.
This hackathon is run by a group of nerdy and far-too-caffeinated high school students from Stuyvesant High School. Keep an eye out for them during the hackathon. Check in on the happenings on their Facebook Page StuyHacks and on Twitter @StuyHacks.
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