Student Angler Bass Fishing Association

November 17, 2011
Student Angler Bass Fishing Association
Circle Stickers for the Alabama Student Angler Bass Fishing Association A big round of applause to the winners of the 2011 Alabama Student Angler Bass Fishing State Championship. Way to go, guys! These young men fished the heck out of Wheeler Lake, and their skill and patience was well rewarded. Of course, they're members in good standing with the Alabama Student Angler Bass Fishing Association.
The Alabama Student Angler Bass Fishing Association is the grassroots umbrella organization in Alabama leading the way for the development of Student Angler Chapter Clubs. ASABFA was recognized by the Alabama Legislature as the OFFICIAL student angler organization in the State. Competitive bass fishing tournaments at their best, fishing skill training and seminars, and boating safety courses where you can get your boat license. Come join us for the fun under the sun catching BASS.?
Ever wonder why a fisherperson is called an angler? It has something to do with the complicated technique used: a fish hook attached to a fishing line that's attached to a fishing rod. Um, isn't that, you Wait just a doggone minute! Are you angler guys making fun of us?
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