Stickers Saving Lives with My Medical Sticker

July 16, 2015
Stickers Saving Lives with My Medical Sticker
My-Medical-Sticker-Custom-Square-Stickers-from-StickerGiant Did you know? Almost 1.3 million people die in road crashes every year.* That breaks down to 3,287 on average per day. Imagine the number of injuries and near misses that result from crashes based on those numbers. My Medical Sticker was created with the intent to have a specialized sticker for people on their cars to alert emergency responders to important health issues. My Medical Sticker was created by an Army veteran named, Lynn Rainwater. "I really wanted to help people on the roads, people are proud to have the family stickers on their vehicles and I wanted to give them a sticker with a purpose. I also wanted to give our first responders something that's easy and fast to collect important information which could be useful in the event of a car accident or road side emergency" states Lynn, on the founding of My Medial Sticker. How does it work? There are three base designs for a medical sticker A generic one, one for kids, and a special breast cancer awareness sticker base.  The design leaves three spots to fill in medical conditions. My Medical Sticker provides stickers for pretty much every condition, from heart disease to autism. It's simple and easy to put together in a simple combination of four full color stickers. My-Medical-Stickers-Printed-at-StickerGiant It's great to see stickers being used in such a helpful, potentially life saving manner. Lynn was recently interviewed by KOMO 4 News in Seattle and they talked about how he put these stickers to use. Check it out. * Facts on road crashes from Association For Safe International Road Travel
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