This week we had the pleasure of connecting with brewed chocolate drink brand Choffy and Co-founder, Jason Sherwood. Jason is the Choffys hands-on creative guru. Jason has fifteen years of design with vast experience with branding and marketing for global and regional companies. He is the genius behind the design and sticker package labeling of this yummy beverage product.
Q&A with Jason Sherwood
What do people really dig about your product/services?:
They love the flavor, and health benefits. Nothing tastes like brewed chocolate!
Who are the awesome people behind the curtain at your company/project and what do they do?:
Jason Vanderhoven - my partner and the inventor of Choffy as a product
Bethany - who is our Customer and Field support lead
Why/How do you use stickers as a marketing or outreach tactic?:
The stickers have been a way for us to maximize our savings in our packaging. Our brand and packaging is very important to us, and we have used the stickers to differentiate our product varieties. Their high quality and consistency makes them work with our base design perfectly.
List some ways that fans can support your brand to encourage growth apart from buying your product or service?: Following, liking, sharing ect. to let people know about our delicious and healthy premium drink. Let people know that Choffy has been featured as Dr. Oz's best of the best products and been featured on shows like the Today Show and The Doctors!
Can you leave links to your social media outlets so that our community can get social with you?:FACEBOOKTWITTERPINTERESTINSTAGRAM