April 3, 2017
Be a sticker hero. Our friends at Voices for Children CASA are back for a line up of summer events and festivals where they are featuring their volunteer led team as super heroes on custom stickers.
Voices for Children of Boulder County are always hard at work to get kids out of harmful or unhealthy situations. The CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteers puts in a lot of time in training and development to to be heroes in children's lives. It's important that they bring in enough volunteers and donations to stay on mission.
To raise awareness for the CASA program in Boulder County, they attend lots of summer festivals to promote material about their cause and gain donations from the community.
"Our theme for this year celebrates our CASA volunteers being our superheroes," states Katie DePoy. "In order to engage and recruit more volunteer CASAs, our organization participates in local summer festivals as a vendor booth. Staff and Volunteers share their experiences with the community to help recruit volunteers and spread awareness of child abuse in our county. We frequently pass out stickers and pamphlets to help with this endeavor."
To celebrate and promote awareness of their team, they designed promotional stickers that feature the volunteers as super heroes in four different designs. Each custom circle sticker has a different CASA hero with different color combinations stating "Super CASA" and their company details below.
It's positive to see promotion for good and colorful stickers are a fun way to get the word out fast. Have your own colorful designs ready for promotion? Get your own custom stickers today.