The holidays are here once again, and do you know what that means? StickerGiant's 3rd Annual Cookbook is hot off the presses and ready to jump into your capable hands like the kitchen wizard it truly is.
If you're thinking it's too good to be true (we know you are!) then slow those thoughts and think again! It's true, it's wonderful and now we're offering a copy to you, our valued customers. All of our staff pitch in to make this cookbook really sizzle, with salads and soups and pie - oh, my! It's a chance to get into our heads and see what sort of sustenance makes our workers tick. Eat like a sticker champion and make all of your friends green with envy when they see this cookbook sitting in a place of honor among your shelf of culinary delights.
Or, you know, give it as a gift. 'Tis the season!
Check out this short video about our cookbook, then head over to our cookbook signup page to get a copy of your own. Happy holidays!