August 9, 2012

When you've been at the sticky substrate game as long as the
StickerGiant (aka John Fischer) has, you've learned a couple of things. In essence: what works, what doesn't, and what the heck was I supposed to do next? Biggest asset? Great people. Biggest motivator? Free Donut Friday (sometimes).
Our team has worked really hard to get to where we are today, and to be able to produce well-designed, custom stickers for awesome people all over the country.
Inspired by, and taught to John by, one of the founders of the
most successful small business community ever, we present StickerGiant's
12 Natural Laws of Business.
1. An inspiring strategically sound vision leads to greatness.
2. You need to give your customers some really compelling reasons to buy from you.
3. Without good finance, you fail.
4. People do their best work when they're part of a really great organization.
5. If you want staff to give great service, give great service to staff.
6. To get great performance, you need to give clear expectations and training tools.
7. Successful businesses do things other they know they should do, but generally dont.
8. To get to greatness, you've got to keep doing better—all the time!
9. Success means you get better problems.
10. Strengths lead to weaknesses.
11. It takes longer to make something great happen than you think.
12. Great organizations are appreciative and the people in them have more fun.