StartupBus Official Sticker Sponsors

February 24, 2014
StartupBus Official Sticker Sponsors

StickerGiant is proud to have signed on this year as the official custom sticker sponsor of the collaborative startup launchpad StartupBus. The event engages 8 different global locations and blends teams of vetted strangers to launch a startup in 72 hours, all whilst riding a bus.

This is the organizations fifth season, and StartupBus will be hitting North America in a week to inspire entrepreneurs across the nation. The event is a competition that takes place March 2-6, 2014 until they reach their final pitch destination in Texas.

Organizers refer to participants as "Buspreneur's" and the collaborative talent that emerges after the trip is notably life-changing. Surrounded by the top influencers in industries ranging from hackers, hustlers, and hipsters, alike, this event is a true meeting of the minds. StartupBus is shaping one of the nation's best hackathons.
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