StickerGiant Fan of the Week: Diana (aka Navy Mom)

August 23, 2012
StickerGiant Fan of the Week: Diana (aka Navy Mom)
Proud-Military-Mom-Custom-Sticker-Printed-by-StickerGiant We're proud to share this message from one of our super fans from Florida. Diana—also known as "Navy Mom"—bought some of our many U.S. Navy stickers and temporary tattoos and graciously shared her enthusiasm with us.
StickerGiant: I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can't wait until I get the stickers, especially the Navy Seal temp tattoo and wear it. Someone close is a Seal, and I just needed it so badly and you were my hero. You had what I had been searching for. So thank you from a Navy Mom.
Wow, Diana, thank YOU for the kind words and more importantly, for sharing your loved one in service to our country! We're going to send off a box of heart-warming treats to you (or your sailor?) from our good neighbors at Mary's Market & Deli here in Hygiene, Colorado. And thanks for choosing StickerGiant.
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