StickerGiant Fan of the Week: Craft E Magee

May 17, 2012
StickerGiant Fan of the Week: Craft E Magee
Glossy White Labels Custom Printed for Craft E. Magee by StickerGiant Presenting...another StickerGiant Fan of the Week! This week's shout-out goes to one Craft E Magee. Why is this truly talented DIY-er our Fan of the Week? Well, she ordered some custom stickers, posted a photo and told the world. Respect! Which is why we're sending her a box of yummy cookies from our neighbor, Mary’s Market & Deli. Oh, you'd better believe she's crafty. Turns out, she's just our type, too: she’s just one of our stylin' fans on Facebook. And boy does she have a way with the glue gun. Seriously, have you seen the Derby hats she made? For under $25?? Sweet stuff, Magee!! Enjoy the treats, Craft E. And thanks for choosing StickerGiant!  
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