Spreading the Lovebean

February 13, 2015
Spreading the Lovebean
Lovebean-Custom-Shaped-Stickers-Printed-by-StickerGiant-with-strawberries-and-chocolate-in-the-background Lovebean is keeping Austin weird! Weird in the good sense meaning organic, vegan, superfood chocolate that is spreadable, able to be eaten by the spoonful, dipped with fruit, put on bread & cakes, added to your coffee, and as Mr. Lovebean suggests, made into an edible tattoo. Seriously! It’s spreadable chocolate made to be guilt free and packaged for all your chocolate desires. Mr. Lovebean started off with this idea while spending time in Costa Rica where there was an abundance of organic ingredients. The “lovebean” is the cacao bean which is the base of all chocolate products and a great source of minerals, antioxidants and a whole lot of love. Lovebean is made with Virgin Olive Oil and also good for the paleo diet. Valentine’s Day is commonly celebrated with the consumption of a lot of chocolate and most New Year’s diets are thrown to the wind. Lovebean spreadable chocolate is not just another nut butter spread, it is real, organic dark chocolate that is packaged in a little jar of love to enjoy, at your own pace, without the guilt. Enjoy the love this holiday weekend. Want to share your brand's love? Custom labels are they way to show to it.
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