Sponsorship Desk: TEDxABQ and WordCamp Baltimore

September 9, 2015
Sponsorship Desk: TEDxABQ and WordCamp Baltimore
There are weeks for us here at the sponsorship desk that it feels like an embarrassment of riches. We have so many amazing organizers that are creating positive community experiences, and this week is no different. In fact, it's a doubleheader featuring two of our mainstays sponsorships: TEDx and Wordcamp. We'll be in Albuquerque for TEDxABQ and in Charm City for Wordcamp Baltimore, so the StickerGiant sticker love will be spreading through New Mexico and the Mid Atlantic all weekend long.


The team from TEDxABQ searched throughout New Mexico for the state’s biggest ideas, most inspirational thoughts, and exciting talents. On September 12, these talented folks will meet at UNM’s Popejoy Hall for an exploration of our amazing state through the voices of its people. TEDxABQ 2015 is a showcase of 20 of New Mexico’s biggest ideas in science, healthcare, policy, technology, learning, the arts, and the way they see the world. These individuals are members of the community who are making their mark. Follow the action on the Twitter from the @TEDxABQ handle:

WordCamp Baltimore

Wordpress enthusiasts will be gathering at the William H. Thumel Sr. Business Center on the University of Baltimore Campus to hear awesome speakers and take in educational sessions. Follow all the updates on WordPress information coming out of Baltimore on their Twitter:
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