Startup Weekend East Bay & Panama City

April 15, 2016
Startup Weekend East Bay & Panama City

Startup Weekend Panama City 2016

Startup Weekend is back in Panama City, April 15-17, 2016. If you're not familiar, Startup Weekend is a 54-hour event where developers, designers, and business development folks come together to pitch an idea and launch a business, all in one weekend.
 The event is a great opportunity to test ideas, meet potential co-founders, build the community in Northwest Florida and launch your next startup. They have a unique Startup Weekend sticker on green with a custom beaker (that's on all Startup Weekend stickers) and a cool seaplane with flying banner as well. This one definitely stands out for unique design and capturing that Florida feeling.
Follow along on Twitter all weekend with the #SWPanamaCity hashtag.
#swpanamacity Tweets

Startup Weekend East Bay 2016

Sponsored-Stickers-Startup-Weekend-Cal-State-East-Bay-2016 We wanted to give a shoutout to CSU East Bay's 3rd Startup Weekend. The Startup Club on campus is bringing students and professionals together to experience the process of building a startup in 54 hours!. Participants have the opportunity to network, learn new skills, build teams and pitch their business idea to a panel of judges. Mentors and coaches will be available to help guide each team to launching your own business. They are rocking a kiss cut beaker sticker in the style of Startup Weekend, but with a powerful read and a cool custom logo in the middle. Another unique iteration of a Startup Weekend sticker. Check them out on Twitter and see what bubbles up in the East Bay.  
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