Sponsorship Desk: Seattle Startup Week

October 25, 2015
Sponsorship Desk: Seattle Startup Week
[caption id="attachment_14498" align="alignnone" width="560"]StickerGiant-Seattle-Startup-Week-2015-Sponsorship StickerGiant Seattle Startup Week 2015 Sponsorship - Photo from Wikimedia.[/caption]

Seattle Startup Week

From the Puget Sound and The Emerald City comes this year's installation of Seattle Startup week and a rocking schedule of events centered around entrepreneurship and community. Impact Hub Seattle is serving as BaseCamp for the events, so stop on by there for information if you're part of the event. Their line up of events covers every aspect of a business, different industries, networking and fun activities to connect it all. Startups are not sleepless in Seattle this week. We join a ton of other great sponsors to help bring this event to the people, so thanks to Chase, Name.com, Moz, Code Fellows, Galvanize Seattle, eBay, Hired, WeWork Seattle, Ivy Soft Works, and thinkspace.
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