Sponsorship Desk: JoomlaDay Florida 2016

February 26, 2016
Sponsorship Desk: JoomlaDay Florida 2016
JoomlaDay-Florida-Sponsored-Stickers This weekend we have a first-time sponsorship happening in Tampa Bay with JoomlaDay Florida. What's a Joomla? Well Joomla! is one of the web's leading content management systems (that's a fancy way to say: website organizing tool), and the first annual JoomlaDay Florida features a packed day, from web development panels to presentations from the world's top Joomla! experts and community leaders. Their sticker sheet is spot-on for a tech conference: they've got the PHP, the JS and the HTML5 in full play for their attendees to rip and stick on the surface of their choice, plus they have their colorful event logo based on the Joomla logo. All great choices, and all fun mini stickers. The event will be taking place at Hillsborough Community College in Ybor City, which is located in Tampa’s Historic Latin Quarter that was once a cigar-rolling epicenter. At the turn of the 20th Century, the workers of Ybor City where churning out millions of cigars each year, and since then it's revitalized into a food and culture hotspot, and now JoomlaDay Florida will be calling this location home for the weekend. StickerGiant is proud to be among some great sponsors for this community event that will connect new and seasoned users in the Joomla! Community and encourage volunteers and the activity of the Florida Joomla! User Groups (JUGs). You can connect with the event on the Facebook page or their Twitter feed.
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