Spanish Creek Rainforest Reserve

August 21, 2011
Spanish Creek Rainforest Reserve
Custom shaped stickers for the Spanish Creek Rainforest Reserve Printed by StickerGiant [Editor's Note: The website for Spanish Creek Rainforest Reserve is no longer operational, but we've preserved their sticker story.] If you ever find yourself in Belize at the Spanish Creek Rainforest Reserve, you'd better be ready for hard work. And maybe pack some bug spray. But the payoff? Good work in a stunningly beautiful place:
We are a 2000 acre nature reserve in the Belize District of Belize Central America. 75 acres of the property are cleared to support orchards, gardens, bamboos, palapas and such. We have rainwater for drinking and showers, and solar electricity. Along with being a working farm, we have an ever growing volunteer program through WWOOF, and room to accommodate overnight guests.
For the uninitiated, WWOOF is an organic farming NGO and has nothing to do with dogs (unlike these guys).
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