August 13, 2012

Snapsteez is a boutique specializing in carrying vintage and retro snapbacks and beanies. Based out of Dallas, TX, the company was launched by two young entrepreneurs during the summer of 2010 and has since seen significant growth. Snapsteez has been featured on Karmaloops’ exclusive member only boutique,, leading fashion media publication GQ Magazine and participates in various events around the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.Ammirite? You have to go with the old-skool threads to really step out. You know what's so fresh like, right now? Patches. For realz! This older girl's big sister's sorority sister's insanely hot man candy was rocking a killer toque covered in patches at that one music festival? It was CoachellaBurningBonarooLolla? Or whatevs. It was soooo cool, you guys. He looked like that one O.M. from that old-timey movie? Dazed? Confused? 'Tevs. This hottie had it going ON. Best successorizing, like EVER.