August 19, 2014

Babies are one of the most precious things on the planet, and watching them grow is twice the fun. They are cute little mini-me's that need the utmost care and planning - clothes included. Yes, before they're even born they need constant attention - and so do you! From pregnancy to toddler and beyond, Slick Sugar knows exactly what you want.
This cute company is all about helping your child be the unique individual they are through clothing and accessories, and their formula is a winning one for success. They offer a variety of clothing for boys and girls of all sizes and age ranges, babies included, all of which is funky, colorful and expressly what you want to say in your child's clothing. They understand children's needs and go above and beyond to deliver on quality at a reasonable price.
In addition, Slick Sugar carries a line of sticker called Belly Banter. These cute, removable stickers are easily applied to clothing and help express a variety of thoughts. Stick one on your growing belly to announce how old the bun in the oven is, or just how excited you are to be a mom for the first time (or again). Your child doesn't miss out on the fun, either! Age stickers help show family and friends how old your child is without buying special clothing, a real cost effective measure for those with growing families.
Being individual and unique also applies to their sticker, a bold statement of scribble-tivity that perfectly sums up their company - fun and funky, bold and clever. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?
Interested in the brains behind the operation and learning more about Belly Banter? Look no further, then click
here to see how StickerGiant can help you with those funky sticker creations of your own!