Shoes & Brews is in the Running for Best Store Ever

August 12, 2014
Shoes & Brews is in the Running for Best Store Ever
What's the first thing you think of when you hear about a new shoe store opening in your area? You probably roll your eyes and mutter, "like we need another one of those." But what if you were to find out that the shoe store is also a taproom serving over 20 of Colorado's finest craft beers? You'd be out the door before we could say "microbrew." Yes, it's true - Shoes and Brews is a brand new venture unique to the Longmont area, and their employees have over 20 years of experience in the running shoe industry, making them the go-to people for all your running needs. Or walking, or strolling, or just finding a good pair of shoes for every day wear. Their beers are the best in the area, and are crafted by Colorado artisans for the best tasting experience your mouth has ever had. Speaking of the best, check out that sticker! It's big, bold and beautiful without all the frills that distract from the real intention - being awesome! Who wouldn't want to proudly promote some Colorado pride, great food and the best in shoes available? Check out their Facebook page to interact with a growing business, brand and community. Want to promote your business with colorful stickers like Shoes and Brews? StickerGiant can help! Click here to get started.
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