March 4, 2009
Seesmic is the Twitter of video. It makes sharing videos from your webcam type device easy fast and pretty close to real-time. If you like Twitter, social media and video try Seesmic.
The stickers we made for them are produced using a combination of old and new technology, kind of like Seesmic. We printed the image on a durable clear vinyl substrate using a HP indigo press that uses the latest in digital printing technology. Once the sheets were printed we die-cut them using a traditional die-cut press that was built in the 1950s.
The end result combines the best of both worlds, old school crack and peel feel with a color accurate digitally printed 4-color process sticker.
I use Twhirl to manage my twitter stream on my computer. Twhirl is owned by Seesmic and is funded by Atomico, a venture group based in the UK that invests in disruptive technologies.
I am too young to remember the early days of Television, but I do like the vintage TVs that were built like fine furniture. Video has come a long way since then, Seesmic is an example of how humans like to watch.
If you like vintage TVs like the one in the image below, check out this one: Kevin's Vintage TVs.