
September 24, 2010
ScreenMuncher Got a Blackberry? Want to capture the screen? You can do it with ScreenMuncher. This free app captures your screen as an image that you can then send to a friend or do whatever you want with, basically. And how can you resist an app with such a cute, Domo-kun-inspired mascot? From the video on their site it looks like the chompy mouth actually animates in and chomps your screen. Chompy mouth, chompy mouth, you are so cute! ScreenMuncher comes from BBNation, so it's kinda tied in to their ecosystem or website or business, or whatever you want to call it. The free version captures with a watermark, but you can upgrade to a premium version that eliminates the watermark and gets you other BBNation benefits, apparently. I don't know, I don't have a BlackBerry to test this thing with. Anybody out there in StickerGiant World care to comment?
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