July 12, 2012

The highly anticipated COLOR EDITION of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s SCOTT PILGRIM’S PRECIOUS LITTLE LIFE will not be the only way for fans of the series to get the re-mastered, re-lettered, and full color debut volume in the SCOTT PILGRIM series. On July 11th, O’Malley and Oni Press will unveil the EVIL EDITION and COLLECTOR’S EDITION versions of PRECIOUS LITTLE LIFE. “As much as Scott Pilgrim fans eagerly anticipated the new extras-packed COLOR EDITION books, we knew some would be craving more,” explained Oni Press Operations Director George Rohac. “With the EVIL EDITION and COLLECTOR’S EDITION of the books, we’re giving the true Scott-a-holic some alternatives to sate their hunger.” Both editions will be available only from Oni Press, debuting at their booth (#1833) at Comic-Con International 2012. They will then be available for order at OniPress.com on August 8th, 2012. The EVIL EDITION sports a new cover from O’Malley featuring Ramona’s first evil-ex, Matthew Patel. The limited-to-1000 COLLECTOR’S EDITION provides fans a deluxe package with a ton of exclusive goodies.
Of course this could only happen at Comic-Con, aka the Nerdvana that's been rallying graphic story lovers since 1970. This year's fun-fest is sold out, natch. And lest you think this is child's play, Comic-Con is a really big deal. Last year's attendance: over 126,000 people with money in their pockets and Tweets a-plenty.
Photo credit: Charlie Chu, Oni Press.