May 6, 2016
We love monkey business! The Olomomo Nut Company is providing people with the chance to go nutty with their roasted flavored nuts and custom monkey logo stickers.
Olomomo is the monkey god of adventure, that voice in your said always saying "go for it." Olomomo Nut Company decided to go for it in 2008, when they set out to be the first socially and environmentally conscious nut company. During their beginning, they sold their product through local farmers markets and learned early that stickers can help kick start a whole new adventure.
As the Olomomo monkey stickers declaring "Savor the Adventure" started to travel, Olomomo has found themselves carried in natural grocery stores and even had a TV spot on the Cooking Channel.
"Our company is committed to developing fun, healthy products that infuse the exotic with the familiar and make your mouth water. We only use simple, real, natural ingredients, including fair trade and organic when possible. All of our products are certified non-GMO."We're proud to have been providing them with custom stickers these many years, and look forward to many more.